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منحدرات الكراسي المتحركة المحمولة: مراعاة سلامة المستخدم النهائي

أغسطس 08.2024

منحدرات كرسي متحرك محمولة are the easiest way to access any area for wheelchair users or those with limited legs or stairs. They can help you get over multiple steps or thresholds, or into many different models of vans, minivans, and SUVs. Without having to remodel them or rebuild a barrier-free access.


هناك العديد من الأنواع المختلفة من المنحدرات المحمولة في السوق ، لذلك عندما تختار منحدرا محمولا ، يجب أن تفكر في نوع الكرسي المتحرك الذي تستخدمه وزاوية الميل. حيث يمكنك وضع منحدر ، اختر طول المنحدر الذي يتوافق مع المنحدر القياسي ، بالإضافة إلى الحجم الذي سيدعم الوزن والحجم المطلوبين للنقل بشكل أفضل.


لذلك ، عند اختيار منحدر ، يجب مراعاة النقاط التالية:

  • مادي. Sometimes it needs to be placed outdoors, so it must have a long service life and not rust and not easily damaged. Aluminum alloy can contain these points very well. Compared with rubber and steel ramps, the aluminum alloy material is lightweight, not easy to rust, has high strength, and is highly recyclable.
  • مساحة التخزين. No matter the length, the rollable ramp can be rolled up easily, like a roll of paper. Place at home, in the yard, or in the trunk of your car. Reduce storage space.
  • مؤقتلفة جولة سلالم are special modularly assembled ramps that can be easily installed as a temporary or semi-permanent or even permanent ramp into a home, business, or indoor public space. The lightweight and rollable features of aluminum alloys allow it to be easily moved from one sill or step to another. Such temporary, easy-to-assemble rollable round ramps can even be used on multi-segment ramps and platforms.
  • وحدات. The roll round ramp consists of multiple panels. Its unique modularity allows it to be extended indefinitely without being limited in length. It can even be disassembled into several ramps at the current length. It is even possible to build any length that suits the needs of the steps. For these ramps that are too long, they can be divided into manageable sections. It changed the market for سلالم محمولة.
  • الحاملة. Load bearing is the most important part of the ramp. It is for people who need a wheelchair, or people with limited legs and feet. Therefore, strong load-bearing is the guarantee for their safety. And its uniqueness and 500KG (1102lbs) load-bearing strength make it suitable for a variety of industrial and non-industrial use scenarios.
  • مقاومة الانزلاق. Anti-slip ribs are used for the round ramp panels. This makes it safer, especially when the weather is less dry, rainy or snowy, and not too slippery and too fast to control the descent. In addition, the round panel is also hollowed out, so that the slope will not reduce its functionality due to snow or water accumulation.

المنحدرات المحمولة شائعة جدا في تطبيقات اليوم. تصميمات الطول والعرض الفريدة والمعيارية والقابلة للتخصيص تجعلها جزءا طبيعيا لا يتجزأ من منزلك أو المبنى التجاري. إذا كنت مهتما بتدوير المنحدرات المستديرة ، فيمكنك التحقق من كتالوج المنتج ، أو اطلب من موظفي المتجر مزيدا من المعلومات.

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